Hello! Presley and Parker heard from their cousin Taylor that blogging was super cool, so here we are! The P's are almost 9 1/2 months old (Where has the time gone!) and getting more adorable and fun everyday. Presley is a performer...she loves to entertain and always makes sure to get everyones attention. She has 6 teeth now....4 on the bottom and 2 on top. She LOVES to eat. She just got started on the bitter cookies and loves them. She is very close to crawling....I think that I can wait for that phase! She is so much fun!
The Parkman is mellow yellow. He loves to sit back and let his sister do all the talking. He is patient, and loves to be cuddled. Parker is just learning how to sit up by himself. He doesn't enjoy eating as much as his sister but is getting better at it! He was diagnosed with microcephaly, which basically means a smaller skull. He has some fine motor/gross motor delays, but for the most part he is catching up to his sister just fine! I promise to post as much as I can!!!
Hugs and kisses from Parker and Presley xoxoxo
presley and parker...love the blog!! you guys are tooo adorable!! keep it up cool kids!
auntie Krista
AHHHHH the 3 babes in my life..love them! :)
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